Dream Catcher Pillow Spray 精油睡枕噴霧

A magical natural essential oil spray enhancing sleeping quality

A magical spray blended with Precious Highland Lavender oil and other natural oils.

100% all natural ingredients, with food-grade ethanol, a few spray on your pillow before sleep, that will help you to sleep easier and enhance your sleeping quality.

Only spray on pillows, blankets, clothes, or puppets, not suitable to spray directly on skin.

Not suitable for First trimester of preganancy (less than 13 weeks).

Ingredients: Aqua, grain alcohol, 100% natural essential oil blend.

Some report about the usage of Lavender on sleep enhancement:

Aromatherapy: evidence for sedative effects of the essential oil of lavender after inhalation : https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/1817516/

Lavender and the Nervous System:

Effects of lavender on anxiety: A systematic review and meta-analysis : https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0944711319303411

薰衣草讓人聯想到放鬆,幫助入眠。因為它蘊含乙酸沉香酯(Linalyl acetate),適量使用,能放鬆神經,令人壓力全消、容易入睡。其中法國高地薰衣草是薰衣草中最昂貴少有,與一般坊間所見的薰衣草不同,因為它的乙酸沉香酯(Linalyl acetate)含量是眾多薰衣草中最高的,味道更甜美,也沒有普通薰衣草的衝鼻和刺激藥味,平時較少接觸精油的人士也容易接受,小孩子也會喜歡的香氣。



為什麼薰衣草總和放鬆心情及睡眠質素扯上關係? 可以看看以下的醫學研究:

Aromatherapy: evidence for sedative effects of the essential oil of lavender after inhalation : https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/1817516/

Lavender and the Nervous System:

Effects of lavender on anxiety: A systematic review and meta-analysis : https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0944711319303411

Not suitable for First trimester of preganancy (less than 13 weeks).

Ingredients: Aqua, grain alcohol, 100% natural essential oil blend.


懷孕初期 (少於13周)孕婦忌用。

成份: 水、穀物酒精、100%天然精油配方